Likely further Developments of turkish military Aviation Projects

When Kaan and the Drone Projects like Anka-3 & Kizilelma are finished, it's possible that greater Projects could archieved. This mean a more expensive Projects based on the current could be realised. A strategic Bomber compareable to B-2 or B-21 is even when it's technicly possible in long term for financial Reasons not archieveable. Bigger Project like a unmanned medium Bomber based on Anka-3 could be archieveable. A medium-range Bomber UCAV could provide A2/AD Capabillity to cover till to western Africa and providedetterence against foreign Interventions. It also allow to strike Khawarij Groups from Anatolia if they threaten the Stability of Sahel African States. With this Capabillity Turkey could also Project Power in landlocked Areas like central Asia, were Aircraft Carrier as a Power projection Tool would bring nothing. The indian Ocean, especially the arabian Sea become an Area of turkish Interest, medium-range Bombers could strengthen the Power projection Capabillit...