
Does Turkey need nuclaer Weapons ?

Introduction: Turkey is located in a Region were different Conlicts are located, like middle East, Caucasus, Ukaine and the Conflict with Greece/Cyprus over the Aegean and exploration Rights for Hydrocarbon in the eastern Mediterran. The military Footprint of Turkey is also increasing, like the Presence in Somalia, Libya and Katar. This Presence mean more Influence and a stronger dipomatic Footprint. On the other Side there is an increasing  Chance to get involved in local Conflicts. In 2014 there was an Report from different german Newspapers, that german Intellagece Agency(BND) found Signs that Turkey work on a secret nuclear Programm. It is also claimed that the Electronics for the pakistani nuclear Programm were coming from Turkey. The turkish ballistic Missile Programm  Since 1997 when Turkey purchased WS-1 MLRS Rockets from China under a tech - Transfer Agreement, the Technology were developed further. Turkey startet also to develop ballistic Missiles, based on chinese B...

Turkey is capable to produce ballistic Missiles in MRBM Category

<script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> According to former Air Force General Erdoğan Karakuş, Turkey is capable to produce ballistic Missiles with a Range up to 3000 km. Here for example the Missile is deployed in western Anatolia, all the Area which are covered by the blue Circle are in Range of that Missile. The Missile the former General is meaning will likely be Cenk, the Succesor of Tayfun SRBM in the MRBM Category. A note aside, the red and yellow - green Circle show the Range of SRBM Missiles, 300 - 1000 km.